1. Welcome Email

Designed for new subscribers, welcome emails are among the most opened emails marketers will ever send. For example, compared to promotional emails, we found that welcome emails generate an 86% lift in open rates, 196% lift in unique click rates, and 320% more revenue per email. That’s why it’s so important to invest time and effort into developing a welcome series strategy that will effectively guide prospects and customers through your company’s conversion funnel.

Click here for information about how to use an automated welcome email series to leverage new subscribers’ interest in your organization. In addition, find out what it takes to create a great welcome email campaign in this previous NewsLever feature: “How to Optimize Your Welcome Email Campaigns for a Big Boost in Revenue.” Plus, check out the following FulcrumTech Get the Click email reviews for good examples of welcome campaigns:

  1. The Grommet
  2. Public Broadcasting Service

2. Lead Nurturing Email

These types of emails follow up with potential customers and are especially useful for supplementing a company’s sales efforts. Lead nurturing email templates and messages are typically short, sent and signed by an individual, and provide timely and useful information about a company’s products/services to guide prospects through the sales cycle. To help increase the effectiveness and efficiency of your lead nurturing email campaigns, you may want to consider combining them with lead scoring. Lead scoring involves determining scores for potential customers (based on their demographic and behavioral data) to prioritize leads for your sales teams and future email marketing emails.

Click on the following NewsLever articles for information about how to design and implement effective trigger and drip campaigns:

  1. “How to Use Drip Email Campaigns to Drive Conversions”
  2. “Drip Email Campaign Best Practices”
  3. “The Basics of Email Drip Marketing”

3. Shopping-Cart Abandonment Email

If you want to minimize your revenue losses from abandoned online shopping carts, automated shopping-cart recovery emails are the answer. Numerous studies have shown that by sending a series of reminder emails to give cart abandoners a “nudge,” you can recover a significant amount of revenue that otherwise would be lost. As one analysis showed, nearly half of abandoned cart emails are opened and more than one-third of clicked abandoned cart recovery emails convert to a sale.

Click here for some best practice tips to help you optimize the conversion rate of your shopping-cart recovery emails. Plus, check out the following example of a cart-abandonment email series that was recently featured in our Get the Click email review.


4. Post-Purchase Transactional Email

Sending a timely product feedback request email is a great way to stay top of mind with customers. Post-purchase product review emails are also a great tool for helping e-commerce companies build credibility for their brand, boost search engine rankings, and drive more sales. That’s because you’re able to use the product reviews collected from satisfied customers in promotional emails and website landing pages to positively influence prospects considering a purchase. For example, this study showed that products with reviews had a conversion rate 12.5% higher than products without reviews. In addition, products with more than 20 review had a conversion rate about 84% higher than products without reviews.

For some great tips on how to craft winning product review emails that convert, check out this NewsLever feature: “5 Elements of a Successful Product Review Email.”

5. Invitation Email

Whether it’s for an event or webinar, this type of email is designed to drive attendance. And the conversion goal is to get recipients to register for the event

Follow-up emails for an invitation email automated series could include confirmation, date reminders as the event draws closer, and a summary of the outcome of the event, such as content slides or fundraising goals attained.



6. Date-Triggered Email

Countdown to an event, seasonal purchase or donation reminders, new product releases, service reminders, subscription renewals, and subscribers’ birthdays and anniversaries are some examples of trigger emails based on a date. In addition to providing the perfect opportunity to stay top of mind, this type of email can also play an important nurturing role to encourage future purchases from customers. 

Date-triggered emails are also the perfect type of emails for leveraging dynamic content to help make more relevant and personalized campaigns. 

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